Trawalla Primary School

Trawalla Primary School

Trawalla Primary School is in the town of Trawalla in central Western Victoria, Australia, located on the Western Highway, 41kms west of Ballarat and 154kms west of Melbourne, in the Pyrenees Shire.

Trawalla Primary School provides an exciting education to students from the surrounding district and the nearby township of Beaufort. We run two classrooms of Foundation to Grade Three and Grades Four to Six. 

Our spacious school grounds consist of a playground, oval, basketball court, large concreted undercover area, sensory play space and cubby, vegetable gardens and running track, all of which are linked to the classroom learning. 

Trawalla Primary School, Student Gardening


We are excited to help your child grow and learn. Our enrolment process is simple and straightforward, designed to make it easy for you to join our community. We look forward to meeting you and your child and helping them achieve their full potential.

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Policies & Forms

Our school has a commitment to providing a safe and inclusive learning environment. Please review our policies to ensure the best possible experience for your child. Please take the time to read through everything carefully and don't hesitate to contact us if you have any questions.

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After School Care

This program is lots of fun and provides activities to suit all age groups and interests such as Cooking, Science, Art and Sports.

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School preparations for the bushfire season

Each year, we undertake a range of activities to ensure the safety of our school and to prepare for bushfires and grassfires.

An important part of this process is communicating to parents what will happen when certain fire danger ratings are issued to help ensure the safety of students and staff. 

For more information, download the PDF below:

Bushfire Preparations 2024

Take a virtual tour of Trawalla Primary School

Follow us on Facebook!

We post regular updates about the school and events here, make sure to Like our page so you don't miss anything!  If you are on a Mac PC or iOS device, the feed below may not load for you due to privacy settings on your device.  Please just browse to our Facebook page instead.

Dates to remember

Tues Mar 4th Principal Forum – Kate away. Mrs Harley CRT
Wed Mar 5th 1.15pm Pyrenees Library Van
Thur Mar 6th School Review Mrs Harley CRT
Mon Mar 10th Labour Day Public Holiday
Wed Mar 12th NAPLAN Starts
Thur Mar 13th School Review Mrs Harley CRT
Thur Mar 13th MARC Van
Mon Mar 17th Cluster Day at Landsborough PS
Wed Mar 19th 1.15pm Pyrenees Library Van
Tues Mar 25th Pupil Free Day – Cluster Curriculum Day
Thur Mar 27th MARC Van
Mon Mar 31st Cluster Day at Landsborough PS
Wed April 2nd 1.15pm Pyrenees Library Van
Wed April 2nd JSC Business Day
Fri April 4th Last day of term 1 - 2:30pm dismissal
Tue April 22nd Term 2 commences

Trawalla Primary School

11Trawalla Road
Trawalla VIC 3373


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