Trawalla Primary School

For Parents

Traffic Management

Trawalla PS has created a Traffic Management Plan to reduce the risk of children of children being hurt, while optimising traffic for efficient drop-off and pick-ups.

View Traffic Management Plan

Before and After School Care Program

OSHClub has commenced, and we are excited to be offering both before school and after school care.

This program is lots of fun and provides activities to suit all age groups and interests such as Cooking, Science, Art and Sports.

The cost of the program includes all activities and food. Many families may be eligible to receive the Child Care Subsidy (CCS), which can reduce the cost of Outside School Hours Care by up to 85%.

Before School Care
available from 7.00am to bell time

After School Care
available from bell time to 6.00pm


Enrol at OSHClubhere

Click on the link above, then on register and follow the steps to enrol.

Information Sheet

Trawalla & Beaufort OSHCLUB

Please view the Information Sheet for more further detail.

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